Emma Jefferys is an Accredited Coach and
Licensed NLP Practitioner living in Tunbridge Wells.

Why did you become a coach?
I had enjoyed a 20 year career as a planner in an advertising agency. I was still fascinated about how people think, how we make decisions, how we can reframe things to change the perspective. Still loved asking questions and creating transformations but doing all of this for brands (great brands though they were!) had lost its shine a little. I wanted to use these skills to help people transform instead. I feel passionately that we have one precious life and that too many people compromise their own happiness and growth because they are afraid or lack confidence or can’t quite see how to get to where they want to get to. I felt I could help. 

Emma Jefferys is an Accredited Coach and Licensed NLP Practitioner living in Tunbridge Wells.

How would you describe your coaching style?
I like to coach in a relaxed and friendly manner and believe that it should be an enjoyable process so there is plenty of room for humour too. But I take the outcomes very seriously and am not afraid to ask the questions that I believe will get my client where they want to go in a direct, albeit gentle, way.

What do you enjoy most about coaching?
My clients. I meet such inspiring people and each one teaches me something new. I never take for granted what it takes for my clients to really reflect and speak honestly to someone they have just met and yet to see the transformations that happen when they do is the reason I became a coach. One of my clients says she leaves our sessions feeling invincible because of me and I always tell her that it is her that found the invincibility, it just got a little hidden under the rest of life.

Do you have a coach?
Yes! We all need coaching. I love the indulgence of a coaching session. Someone to hold the space for me and create a real focus on me, what I want and what action I am going to take next to get there. I come out with clarity, fired up and usually having surprised myself by actually taking the time to listen to the thoughts flying around my head. And like anyone else I have times when I feel like I’m stuck and to understand what is causing that and get it sorted so that I can crack on is so liberating.

What does happiness mean to you?
Happiness is a choice. And to have a choice we need freedom so I think feeling free and having the ability to listen to my soul and make the choices it chooses. That is happiness.

What is your favourite quote?
Oh never ask a coach that – there are so many that resonate. I’m hugely passionate about the power of mindset so let’s have this one….

“Change your thoughts and you change your world”